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2022/07/16120 作者:佚名
导读:序 治学之路, 开拓之道 (一)模糊系统与控制 [1] Fuzzy Self-Organizing Controller and Its Application for Dynamic Processes [2] Comer Detection Using Fuzzy Sets [3] Necessary Conditions on Minimal System Configuration for

治学之路, 开拓之道


[1] Fuzzy Self-Organizing Controller and Its Application for Dynamic Processes

[2] Comer Detection Using Fuzzy Sets

[3] Necessary Conditions on Minimal System Configuration for General MISO Mamdani Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators

[4] Comparison of Necessary Conditions for Typical Takagi-Sugeno and Mamdani Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators

[5] Typical Takagi-Sugeno PI and PD fuzzy controllers: analytical structures and sta- bility analysis

[6] Structure and Stability Analysis of a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy PI controller with application to tissue hyperthermia therapy

[7] Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy PID Gain-Scheduling Controllers







[13] A New Reinforcement Learning Method for Fuzzy Logic Controllers




[16] Emergence of Self-Learning Fuzzy Systems by a New Vires DNA-Based Evolutionary Algorithm





[20] Control of a Kind of Chaotic System Using Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic





[23] A Dynamic Model for the p53 Stress Response Networks under Ion Radiation

[24] A Mathematical Model of p53 Gene Regulatory Networks under Radiotherapy

[25] Modeling of DSBs Generation and Repair Process under Ion Radiation

[26] Cellular Responding DNA Damage: An Improved Modeling of P53 Gene Regtilatory Networks under Ion Radiation (IR)

[27] A Probability Cellular Automaton Model for Hepatitis B Viral Infections

[28] A Novel Fingerprint Map for Detecting SARS-CoV

[29] An Application of Gene Comparative Image for Predicting the Effect on Replication Ratio by HBV Virus Gene Missense Mutation

[30] A Coordination Model of Gene'Sequences for SARS-CoV and its ReCeptor



[31] Real-Time Fuzzy Control of Tissue Temperature During Laser Heating

[32] Using Pseudo Amino Acid Composition to Predict Protein Structural Classes: Approached with Complexity Measure Factor,

[33] Using cellular Automata Images and Pseudo Amino Acid Composition to Predict Protein Subcellular Location

[34] Particular Symmetry in RNA sequence of SARS and the Origin of SARS Cor- onavims..

[35] Using Pseudo Amino Acid Composition to Predict Protein Subcellular Location: Approached with Lyapunov Index, Bessel Function, and Chebyshev Filter

[36] Using Complexity Measure Factor to Predict Protein Subcellular Location

[37] Using Cellular Automata to Generate Image Representation for Biological Sequences

[38] Visualization of Gene Mutation Complicated Pattern of Hepatitis B Virus Based on Cellular Automata





[42] Doob's Stopping Theorem for Fuzzy (Super, Sub) Martingales with Discrete Time

[43] Analysis of Dynamical Systems Whose Inputs are Fuzzy Stochastic Processes



[45] The Application of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems in Network Information Processing

[46] Supervisory Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems Based on Agent



[48] A System Approach to the Design of Linear Phase IIR Filters via Optimal Hankel-Norm Criterion



[50] Study of Variable Step Size LMS Adaptive Algorithm Based on Variable Region




[53] Event-driven Dynamic and Intelligent Scheduling for Agile Manufacturing Based on Immune Mechanism and Expert System

[54] An Order-oriented Procedure Model for A Robust and Agile Production System

[55] New Hash Function Based on Nonlinear Method

[56] Data Flow Fuzzy Control of Communication Network with Finite Terminal


[58] Application of FAHP and Artificial Neural Network on Clothing Plant Location

[59] Generation of Strange Attractor Images with Genetic Algorithm



[61] Fault-tolerant Strategies and Their Design Methods for Application Software

[62] Segmentized Optimization Strategy for Predictive Control




