■Short-term Vision: become a respectable leader in China’s high-end home furnishing field.
■对公司的员工而言,无论你处于任何职业、岗位,都将在本职领域里成为专业人士,每一份付出都将获得回报和肯定,并因此获得同事、同行、客户、社会的尊敬■For the company as a whole, we will set an example in the home furnishing industry with top designs, excellent technical innovations, first-class services and enduring brand image, and we will also earn respects with our vigorous actions in carrying out social responsibilities and environmental protection.■For individual employees in the company, positions and professions will not hinder their progress and they will become the experts in their own fields. Every effort will be rewarded with payment and praises, securing them the respects from colleagues, fellow people in the trade, customers and the society.2100433B