序号 |
标题 |
类型 |
作者 |
1 |
Model Test and Theoretical Analysis for Soft Soil Foundations Improved by Prefabricated Vertical Drains |
期刊论文 |
刘干斌|Buddihima Indraratna|Cholachot R|谢康和| |
2 |
宁波轨道交通软土工程特性研究及应用 |
科研奖励 |
刘干斌|钱宝源|郑荣跃|邓岳保| |
3 |
基于GDS固结渗透试验参数的竖井地基固结非线性有限元分析 |
期刊论文 |
邓岳保|谢康和|李菲菲|刘干斌| |
4 |
井阻随深度和时间变化的竖井地基固结解析解 |
期刊论文 |
郭霄|谢康和|吕文晓|邓岳保| |
5 |
Finite Element Analysis of Biot's Consolidation with a Coupled Nonlinear Flow Model |
期刊论文 |
Deng, Yue-bao|Liu, Gan-bin|Zheng, Rong-yue|Xie, Kang-he| |
6 |
Consolidation by Prefabricated Vertical Drains with a Threshold Gradient |
期刊论文 |
郭宵|谢康和|邓岳保| |
7 |
环境友好型竖井材料的排水特性研究 |
期刊论文 |
史伟伟|李洲|沈挺挺|蔡康| |
8 |
Consolidation behavior of soft deposits considering the variation of prefabricated vertical drain discharge capacity |
期刊论文 |
Deng, Yue-Bao|Liu, Gan-Bin|Lu, Meng-Meng|Xie, Kang-he| |
9 |
Consolidation theory for prefabricated vertical drains with elliptic cylindrical assumption |
期刊论文 |
Huang, Chaoxuan|Deng, Yuebao|Chen, Fei| |