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2022/07/16156 作者:佚名
导读:[1] 会士:香港浸会大学计算机科学系 张晓明 (CHEUNG, Yiu-ming)教授(Fellow of International Engineering and Technology Institute, Hong Kong (IETI)) 。 [2] 会士:台湾勤益科技大学景观系(所)特聘教授兼人文创意学院院长 宋文沛 教授 (香港国际工程技术学会(International Engin

[1] 会士:香港浸会大学计算机科学系 张晓明 (CHEUNG, Yiu-ming)教授(Fellow of International Engineering and Technology Institute, Hong Kong (IETI)) 。

[2] 会士:台湾勤益科技大学景观系(所)特聘教授兼人文创意学院院长 宋文沛 教授 (香港国际工程技术学会(International Engineering and Technology Institute, HK)会士(Fellow)) 。

[3] 杰出会士:美国埃默里大学 艺术与学科特聘教授(Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor)Esfandiar (Essie) Maasoumi 教授(Distinguished Fellow, International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 2015 –) 。

[4] 杰出会士、主席:英国牛津大学M. James C. Crabbe 教授(Distinguished Fellow and President of the International Engineering and Technology Institute) 。

[5]杰出会士、主席:美国德州大学圣安东尼分校 理学院院长George Perry 神经生物学特聘讲座教授(2015 International Engineering and Technology Institute Distinguished Fellow and President) 。

[6]杰出会士、主席:加拿大维多利亚大学Hari Mohan Srivastava 教授 (Distinguished Fellow, International Engineering and Technology Institute (Hong Kong), President, International Engineering and Technology Institute (Hong Kong)) 。

[7] 杰出会士:荷兰丁伯根研究所(Tinbergen Institute)Philip Hans Franses 教授 。

[8] 杰出会士:荷兰丁伯根研究所(Tinbergen Institute)Michael McAleer 教授 。

[9] 杰出会士:台湾中央大学资讯电机学院钟鸿源 教授 。

[10] 会士:奥地利卡伦西亚应用科学大学副校长 Michael Auer 教授 。

[11] 杰出会士:美国东北大学王申培 教授 。

[12] 杰出会士:比利时根特大学Francis Verpoort 教授(Prof. Francis Verpoort was admitted as “Distinguished Fellow” by International Engineering and Technology Institute, Hong Kong.) 。

[13] 杰出会士:美国杜克大学George Tauchen 教授(fellow of the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI)) 。

[14] 杰出会士:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 Demetri Terzopoulos 教授(Professor Demetri Terzopoulos was recently nominated and elected as one of the International Engineering and Technology Institute’s Distinguished Fellow.)

[15] 杰出会士:美国东北大学 Vincent Harris 教授(ECE Professor Vincent Harris was Selected as a Distinguished Fellow of the International Engineering and Technology Institute.)

[16] 杰出会士:香港科技大学 Vladimir G. CHIGRINOV 教授(Prof. Vladimir G. CHIGRINOV has been elected as 2019 Distinguished Fellow of IETI.)

[17] 杰出会士:美国加州大学伯克利分校 Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli 教授 和 Scott Shenker 教授(Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Scott Shenker named Distinguished Fellows of the International Engineering and Technology Institute)

[18] 杰出会士:美国杰克森州立大学 Paul B. Tchounwou 教授(Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou, a Presidential Distinguished Professor and associate dean of JSU’s College of Science, Engineering and Technology, is among 22 scholars who have been selected by the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) to serve as a Distinguished Fellow of IETI for his innovative research.)

[19] 东南大学计算机科学与工程学院院长、软件学院院长、人工智能学院执行院长耿新教授入选2020年度国际工程与技术学会(IETI)杰出会士(Distinguished Fellow)。一同入选的包括菲尔兹奖获得者,加州大学伯克利分校、耶鲁大学、芝加哥大学等著名研究机构的学者共22位。耿新教授是本年度杰出会士中唯一来自中国大陆的入选者。

[20] 清华大学杨立坚教授当选国际工程技术协会杰出会士 2100433B


