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2022/07/16108 作者:佚名
导读:Chapter 1 Environmental Issue 1.1 Environmental Problems 1.2 Living Sustainably 1.3 Resources 1.4 Pollution 1.5 Solutions:Working with the Earth Notes Chapter 2 Ecosystems 2.1 The Concept of Ecosystem

Chapter 1 Environmental Issue

1.1 Environmental Problems

1.2 Living Sustainably

1.3 Resources

1.4 Pollution

1.5 Solutions:Working with the Earth


Chapter 2 Ecosystems

2.1 The Concept of Ecosystem

2.2 The Structure of Ecosystems

2.3 Implications for Humans


Chapter 3 Cycling of Mineral Nutrients

3.1 The Carbon Cycle

3.2 The Nitrogen Cycle

3.3 The Phosphorus Cycle

Chapter 4 Environmental Engineering and Engineer

4.1 The Environmental Engineer

4.2 Consultant Services

4.3 Studies and Designs

4.4 Construction

4.5 Start—UP and Training


Chapter 5 Air Pollution

5.1 Definition of Air Pollution

5.2 Sources of Air Pollutants

5.3 General Effects of Air Pollution

5.4 General Description of the Air Pollutants

5.5 Major Air Pollutants


Chapter 6 Air Pollution ControlmParticulate Controls

6.1 Particulate Collection Mechanisms

6.2 Particulate Control Equipment


Chapter 7 Air Pollution ControlmGaseous Pollutants Controls

7.1 Absorption

7.2 Adsorption

7.3 Condensatlon

7.4 Flaring

7.5 Incineration

7.6 Emerging Techniques


Chapter 8 Integrated Solid Waste Management

8.1 The Concept of Solid Waste Management

8.2 Functional Elements of a Waste Management System

8.3 Integrated Solid Waste Management

8.4 Operation of Solid Waste Management Systems

8.5 Future Challenges and Opportunities


Chapter 9 The Unit Operations and Processes Used for the Separation and Processing of Waste Materials

9.1 Unit Operations

9.2 Waste Transformation Through Combustion

9.3 Waste Transformation Through Aerobic Composting

9.4 Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual Matter


Chapter 10 Hazardous Chemical Waste Management

10.1 Definition of Hazardous Waste

10.2 Chemicals,Lifestyles,and the Environment

10.3 Uncontrolled Sites

10.4 Responsible Management

10.5 Land Disposal Methods

10.6 Alternatives to Land Disposal of Hazardous Waste

10.7 Site Remediation


Chapter II Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment

11.1 Terminology

1 1.2 1 9 7 3 CEQ Guidelines for the Content of Environmental Impact Statements

11.3 Expanded Scope of EIA

11.4 Narrowed Scope of EIA

11.5 Summary


Chapter 12 Environmental Impact Assessment

12.1 Planning and Management of Impact Studies

12.2 Simple Methods for Identification(Matrices,Networks,and Checklists)

12.3 Description of Environmental Setting(Affected Environment)

12.4 Indices and Indicators for Describing the Affected Environment

12.5 Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Environmental Media

12.6 Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making

12.7 Environmental Monitoring


Chapter 13 Noise and Noise Control

13.1 Noise

13.2 Noise Control

Chapter 14 Environmental Law and Standards

14.1 Environmental Legislation

14.2 Features of the National Environmental Policy Act

14.3 Federal Legislation and Regulations for Air and Surface Water

14.4 International Environmental Law and Diplomacy

Chapter 15 Environmental Chemical Analysis

15.1 The Role and Importance of Environmental Chemical Analysis

15.2 Classical Methods

15.3 Spectrophotometric Methods

15.4 Electrochemical Methods of Analysis

15.5 Gas Chromatography

15.6 Mass Spectrometry

Chapter 16 WaterWater Cycle and Sustainable Management

16.1 Water

16.2 The Water Cycle

16.3 Human Impacts on the Water Cycle

16.4 Sustainability and Water Management

Chapter 17 Water Supply

17.1 Groundwater Supplies

17.2 Surface Water Supplies

17.3 Water Transmission

17.4 Pumps and Pumping

17.5 Pump Characteristics Curves

17.6 System Head Curves

17.7 Operating Head and Discharge


Chapter 18 Wastewater Collection Systems

18.1 Storm Sewer System

18.2 Sanitary Sewer System(1)

18.3 Sanitary Sewer System(2)

18.4 Sewer Pipes and Jointing

18.5 Lift Stations in Wastewater Collection


Chapter 19 Waste Water Engineering

19.1 Wastewater Treatment

19.2 Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse

19.3 Biosolids and Residuals Management


Chapter 20 Wastewater Treatment Objectives,Methodsand Implementation Consideration

20.1 Wastewater Treatment Objectives and Regulations

20.2 Classification of Wastewater Treatment Methods

20.3 Application of Treatment Methods

20.4 Implementation of Wastewater Management Programs


Chapter 21 Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Plant Design

21.1 Impact of Flowrate and Mass—Loading Factors on Design

21.2 Evaluation and Selection of Design Flowrates

21.3 Evaluation and Selection of Design Mass Loadings

21.4 Process Selection

21.5 Elements of Conceptual Process Design


Chepter 22 Wastewater Treatment

22.1 Physical Unit Operations

22.2 Chemical Unit Processes

22.3 Biological Unit Processes


Chapter 23 Biological Nutrient Removal

23.1 Nutrient Control Strategies

23.2 Nutrient Removal Processes

Chapter 24 Advanced Wastewater Treatment

24.1 Need for Advanced Wastewater Treatment

24.2 Treatment Technologies Used for Advanced Wastewater Treatment

24.3 Removal of Residual Suspended Solids bv Granular—Medium Filtration

24.4 Removal of Residual Suspended Solids by Microscreening

24.5 Removal of Toxic Compounds and Refractory Organics

24.6 Removal of Dissolved Inorganic Substances

Chapter 25 Sludge Treatment and Disposal

25.1 Sludge Treatment Flow Diagrams

25.2 Preliminary Operations

25.3 Thickening(C0ncentration)

25.4 Stabilization

25.5 Anaerobic Sludge Digestion

25.6 Aerobic Sludge Digestion

25.7 Composting

25.8 Conditioning

25.9 Disinfection

25.10 Dewatering

25.11 Heat Drying

25.12 Thermal Reduction

25.13 Land Application of Sludge

25.14 Other Beneficial Uses of Sludge

25.15 Final Sludge and Solids Conveyance,Storage,and Disposal



