responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncludi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, the busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a nd g uida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charge of t he company business and costs cal culati on and a nalysis of new proje cts a nd to develop standards and provi de the basis for deci sion-mak
Cirrus Logic推出数字LED控制器
Cirrus Logic公司近日宣布推出数字LED控制器,正式进入新兴的高增长LED照明市场。该LED控制器能够直接解决调光兼容问题。CS161X系列控制器采用Cirrus Logic的全新数字TruDimTM技术,并且已经过测试证明.可与众多全球调光器实现接近100%的兼容。目前Cirrus Logic已为一家领先的照明公司大批量生产CS161X控制器。
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