+\ 赣州·绿地国际博览城配套商住小区 样 板 实 施 专 项 施 工 方 案 编制人: 审核人: 审批人: 编制日期: 2018年 月 江西国金建设集团有限公司 +\ 目 录 一、工程概况 ................................................... 1 二、编制依据 ................................................... 1 三、样板施工方案 ............................................... 1 四、实施计划 .................................................. 15 五、施工准备 .................................................. 15 六
is responsible for Organizati on traini ng, a nd impl ementation, and check ; 12, master w orkshops annual economi c indicator s of implementati on, re porti ng to fina ncial health on a reg ular ba sis; 13, is responsi ble for the daily oversight i n the all ocati on a nd use of funds; 14, re sponsible for all Depart ment statistics, coll ecting , sorti ng, reporting of accounting reports; 15, th
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