新密市东大街道路整治工程 监 理 工 作 情 况 及 监 理 报 告 河南开来工程建设监理有限公司 年 月 日 新密市东大街道路整治工程 监理工作情况及监理报告 一、 工程概况 东大街道路整治工程 (文峰路—行政路) 位于新密市城区, 东西 走向主干道,本次施工为道路整治改造,全长 840米,西起文峰路, 东至行政路,现状东大街断面形式为一幅路,规划红线 40米宽,具 体划分为 11.5米的人行道 +17米的机动车道 +11.5米人行道,其中规 划雨水管道位于路中南 7.5米,中北 7.5米;规划污水管道位于中南 13 米,中北 14 米。车行道路面结构为拓宽部分为 20CM 厚 12%的 石灰土 +20cm厚 C30水泥砼 +6cm厚 AC-20C 中粒式沥青砼 +全断面 复浇 4cm厚 AC-13C 细粒式沥青砼。人行道结构为 15cm厚 C30无 砂砼+2cm 厚 M7.5 水泥砂浆
Through analysis on existing problems and rationality of East Street reconstruction project,its social benefit had been analyzed sysmatically and comprehensively from the aspects of social environment,natural environment and traffic safety environment.Furthermore,evaluation indexes of East Street reconstruction project had been established and weighting of each index had been identified by analytic hierarchy process(AHP).Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model had been founded through fuzzy synthetic evaluation method.Finally,scientific judgment was conducted on social benefit of East Street reconstruction project by applying established evaluation system.It demonstrated that East Street reconstruction project could bring great social benefit,so it should support this project.
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