现代高层住宅小区供水方式的选择-最新文档资料 (2)
现代高层住宅小区供水方式的选择 : the article expounds the high-rise residential water system and the principle of selection of the high-rise residential life in the water supply compared commonly used way, choose the most reasonable scheme. Keywords: high-rise residential district; Water supply mode; Selecting principle, Comparative analysis 一、前言 随着我国小区建设规模日趋加大和高层建筑的普及 , 气压罐供水、变频调速 水泵供水、工频水泵+高位水箱供水等技术的发展与
现代高层住宅小区供水方式的选择 : the article expounds the high-rise residential water system and the principle of selection of the high-rise residential life in the water supply compared commonly used way, choose the most reasonable scheme. Keywords: high-rise residential district; Water supply mode; Selecting principle, Comparative analysis 一、前言 随着我国小区建设规模日趋加大和高层建筑的普及 , 气压罐供水、变频调速 水泵供水、工频水泵+高位水箱供水等技术的发展与
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