1 比较经典的岩土工程英文书籍,推荐搞岩土研究的看看 一。土力学相关 ? 工程实践中的土力学 "Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice" by Karl Terzaghi, Ralph B. Peck , Gholamreza Mesri (从 1996 年第三版开始作者中加入了 Mesri) ? 土的特性基础(第二 /三版) "Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, 2nd Edition" by James K. Mitchell "Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, 3rd Edition"(2005) by James K. Mitchell and Kenichi Soga. ?土力学 -临界状态土力学引论 The Mechacnics of Soils--An Introduct
1.comunication&control in power system 电力系统通讯与控制 2.electric power systems: analysis and control 电力系统 : 分析与控制 3.Electrical Energy System 电能系统 4.embedded generation 嵌入式发电 5.fundamentals of power system economics 电力系统经济学基础 6.Handbook of Electric Power Calculations 电力系统计算手册 7.market operations in electric power systems 电力系统市场运行 8.POWER QUALITY 电能质量 9.risk assessment of power systems 电力系统风险评估 10
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