脚踏式蹲厕冲洗阀 脚踏阀部件图 整体来讲延时阀由阀体、阀芯、推杆组成 阀体:进水口、出水口、储水腔、压盖、引水槽 阀芯:泄流孔、泄流孔密封圈、铜阀芯体、 6 分 U 型圈、按钮浮体弹簧、顶杆组成
脚踏式大便冲洗阀安装使用说明书 Installation and Application Manual: Pedal Flush Valve 为了充分发挥产品功能,请按照本使用说明书内容正确安装 Please follow the installation instructions correctly to ensure the full efficiency of this product 用途与特点 Usage and Features 1. 广泛适用与宾馆、饭店、家庭、医院及公共场所的便池冲洗,实 用美观。 1. Universally applied for toilet water flush in hotels, restaurants, homes, hospitals and public facilities, aesthetic and practical.
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