1930年秋,中国工农红军第七军执行立三路线进攻柳州、桂林遭到严重挫折,不得不于同年12月离开广西右江革命根据地向江西开进。红七军第五十五团及第五十八团大部,在邓小平、李明瑞的率领下,于1931年2月来到了湘粤赣三省交界处的江西崇义。一连几天,红军向驻守崇义的敌军发起攻击,一举攻占了崇义县城。进城后,红军当即发动群众打土豪,并处决了罪大恶极、鱼肉百姓的劣绅黄世藻,群众无不拍手称快。 2月16日,适值旧历年三十,红军大部分人马驻守在县城,一部分人马驻扎在城外。其中,有一个班红军战士作为警戒哨露宿城西。除夕之夜,天气寒冷,北风
In this paper, a technique with combination of normal temperature drying and high temperature drying technology was introduced to dry Chinese Fir plantation board, the result with more than one year's researching showed that, the lumber dimension stability after drying was best when dried in combination method, and second when dried in normal temperature kiln while the worst in airdry. Meanwhile, the result also showed that not only was dimension stability increased but also the density of fir was increased, this fact made plantation fir a excellent material in furniture and interior decoration field. So primary conclusion was got that this combining way was considered one kind of lower drying cost, simple way and effective drying methods.
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