石砖运用鉴赏——木纹石砖 Wooden grain stone 木纹石砖以其独有的纹路以及美感闻名于世。 哲学家赫拉克利特 说过,“人不能踏入同一条 河流。”嘉美尼亚石砖今天要说的是, “木纹石砖没有完全同样的纹路”而这, 也正是其成为 设计界宠儿的原因。让我们看看是否真的如此? Wooden grain stone are famous by its beautiful veins and unique quality. The philosopher Heraclitus said, "people can't step into the same river." Today, Camlia say, wooden grains stone are all different. This is why it become designer ’s lover. Let’s see.
石砖运用鉴赏——木纹石砖 Wooden grain stone 木纹石砖以其独有的纹路以及美感闻名于世。 哲学家赫拉克利特 说过,“人不能踏入同一条 河流。”嘉美尼亚石砖今天要说的是, “木纹石砖没有完全同样的纹路”而这, 也正是其成为 设计界宠儿的原因。让我们看看是否真的如此? Wooden grain stone are famous by its beautiful veins and unique quality. The philosopher Heraclitus said, "people can't step into the same river." Today, Camlia say, wooden grains stone are all different. This is why it become designer ’s lover. Let’s see.
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