[辽宁]某医院工程招标文件——工程名称:某医院建设工程 5.结构类型:钢筋砼框架结构 6.招标范围:施工图纸所示内容(详见清单部分的总说明) 7.建筑要求:本工程耐久年限为一级、抗震烈度按七度设防、耐火等级为一级。 8.施工招标方式:公开招...
Learn General Se cretary on "two to lear n a" strengt heni ng "four Consciousnesses" importa nt speech ca use d a strong reacti on i n the country. Time, watching "red tre asur e", the origi n of bui lding the party back to pow er, how to stre ngthe n servi ces for the masses, improve party cohesion, fighting to become the grass-r oots party members a nd masses hot topi c. Gra ss-roots party orga
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