XBD SERIES VERTICAL CONSTANT-PRESSURE FIRE-FIGHTING PUMP 20 07 P ro du ct C at al o g 01 Outline of the product 01 Conditions for work 01 Product features 01 Product purpose 02 Model meaning XBD 02 XBD Curve drawing 03 Standard performance table 05 Installation drawing 06 External and installation dimension table CONTENTS 01 XBD GB6245-2006 XBD series vertical constant-pr
PR OD UC T CA TA LO G 20 09 ] Inosculating innovative technologies, interpreting the art of fluid! XBD SERIES CONSTANT-PRESSURE FIRE-FIGHTING PUMP 业务手机 13817274226 15201996575 ? ? ? ? 1 Outline of the product 1 Conditions for work 1 Product features 1 Product purpose 2 Model meaning XBD 2 XBD Curve drawing 3 Standard performance table 5 Installation drawing 6 External and installat
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