Civil Engineering College, originally called Department of Architectural Engineering, was one of the earliest departments in the university and was renamed as Department of Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering College in the years of 1993 and 2002 respectively. Through more than 60 years’ construction and development, there are 5 bachelor's degree programs, 3 master programs of first-level discipline and one doctor program of first-level degree. The college has 3 departments, 11 teaching and research sections, 11 research institutions, 1 experiment education center, 1 engineering inspection and testing center and 125 faculty members.
The 5 bachelor's degree programs are Civil Engineering, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (science), Surveying and Mapping Engineering, Safety Engineering and Road and Bridge Engineering. Civil Engineering has passed the education evaluation of national civil engineering with good marks four times, respectively in the years of 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012. What is worth mentioning, the validity period of the evaluation certification obtained in 2012 is eight years.
Civil engineering is the authorization discipline of first-level master degree. 8 doctor programs of second-level discipline are respectively Structural Engineering, Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Municipal Engineering, Heating Supplement Engineering, Gas Supplement Engineering and Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering. And the Civil Engineering Construction and Management and Engineering Material are also contained in the program. 3 master programs of first-level discipline are Civil Engineering, Communication and Transportation, and Engineering Mechanics. There are four master program of second-level discipline in communication and transportation, namely Highway and Railway engineering, Vehicle Operation Engineering, Transportation Planning and Management, and Traffic Information Engineering and Control. Five master programs of second-level discipline in the field of engineering mechanics are: Solid Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, General Mechanics and Mechanics Foundation. At the same time, there are two fields, respectively Architectural and Civil Engineering and Traffic Engineering enrolling students for engineering master degree.
Structural Engineering is the key discipline of National Ministry of Construction and Liaoning Province. It is a doctoral program of dual culture approved by Ministry of Education and has the right to enroll domestic visitors.
Three departments are Department of Architectural Engineering, Department of Highway and Bridge Engineering and Department of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering. 11 teaching and research sections are Engineering Mechanics Teaching and Research Section, Concrete Structure Teaching and Research Section, Steel Structure Teaching and Research Section, Structure Resistant Teaching and Research Section, Construction and Management Teaching and Research Section, Highway and Railway Traffic Construction Teaching and Research Section, Bridge Engineering Teaching and Research Section, Geotechnical Engineering Teaching and Research Section, Surveying and Mapping Engineering Teaching and Research Section, Safety Engineering Teaching and Research Section and Computer Application Teaching and Research Section.
11 research institutions are Structural Engineering Research Institution, Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering Research Institution, Geotechnical Engineering Research Institution, Engineering Mechanics Research Institution, Highway Construction Research Institution, Bridge and Tunnel Engineering Research Institution, Structural Inspection and Reinforcement Technology Research Institution, Steel Structure Engineering Research Institution, Engineering Survey Research Institution, New Type of Concrete Engineering Technology Research Institution and Construction Safety Research Institution.
Experiment education center has 7 laboratories, they are respectively mechanics laboratory, engineering structure laboratory, geotechnical and highway engineering laboratory, bridge engineering laboratory, structure numeral simulation laboratory, surveying and mapping engineering laboratory and safety engineering laboratory.
Experiment education center of civil engineering is judged as provincial demonstration center of experiment education. Structure engineering laboratory is the key laboratory of Ministry of Construction and Liaoning Province and the structure engineering and geotechnical and highway laboratory are the key laboratory of Liaoning campus.
Engineering test center of civil engineering undertakes the scientific research items as well as it has the ability of consulting, detection, test and evaluation at the aspects of engineering structure, geotechnical engineering, highway and bridge and underground engineering, etc..
The college has an enrollment of more than 2170 undergraduate students, 520 doctor and master students and it also trains international students.
Civil engineering is the demonstration profession in Liaoning Province and the national key profession construction point. Civil Engineering College has trained thousands of undergraduation, college students and master students in 60 years. College has provided many senior professional and technical talents, contributing to the economic construction and social development.
Among the teachers, 30 are professors, 33 are vice associate professors, among which there are 9 doctoral supervisors, and 65 master supervisors. There is one national distinguished expert authorized by Organization Department of the CPC, along with National Human Resources and Social Security Ministry in the “Thousand People Planning”. And there are 6 committee members of National Civil Engineering Education Supervising Committee who enjoy special government allowance, and once are selected into National New Century Millions of Talents, at the same time getting excellent staff support program of education department; 2 have won Renowned Teachers in Liaoning Province Award, 6 Provincial Young Backbone Teachers; and 60 teachers work as superintendents or trustees (committee members) of international, national or provincial academic organizations.
In the Millions of Talents Project of Liaoning Province, 8 are selected into hundred-level, 13 are selected into thousand-level while more than 50 teachers have won advanced titles such as Outstanding Party Members of national, provincial or municipal level, Prominent Teachers, and Excellent Scientific Workers etc.
In the last five years, our college has achieved remarkable accomplishments in various aspects such as scientific research, setting up projects in teaching and research, winning awards, and issuing papers etc. We have been in charge of more than 300projects includingProject of NationalNatural Science Foundation, Project of National Science and Technology Support Program, Project of Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Project of Tackling Hard-nut Problems in Science and Technology of the Construction Ministry, key projects of provincial Housing and Construction Department, provincial Department of Education and Fund Project of Shenyang Technology Bureau, finishing various horizontal issues more than 200, and the total technology funds is RMB over 73 million Yuan. We are also in charge of more than 230 scientific and research topics of national, ministerial, provincial and city level, getting 75 provincial (department) and municipal Prize for Progress in Science and Technology;
Among which are 2 Second Prize for Science and Technology Progress of national level; 3 First Prize for Science and Technology Progress of provincial level; 1 Second Prize forTeaching Achievements of national level; 3 First Prize for Teaching Achievements of province level; 6 Second Prize for Teaching Achievements of province level; 5 Third Prize. More than 960 papers in scientific and technology or teaching are issued, while 232 papers are embodied by retrieval institutions such as SCI, EI etc. We have issued monographs (compiling and translating) and textbook total up to 36 and authored or co-authored 41 national or provincial construction industry standards. In 2009, the Civil Engineering College was rated as Advanced Group in China Engineering Construction Standardization Association (CECS).
The college has established cooperation relationship with more than 20 universities in countries and areas like America, Finland, Japan, Russia, Korea and Hong Kong etc. in the aspects of scientific research and personnel training etc. The college has also established relationship with many universities and colleges, industrial enterprises, designing (investigation) institutes, as well as scientific research and manufacture departments in our country in the aspects of academic exchange, scientific and technology cooperation, and dual culture. At the same time, our college has employed a number of famous scholars to be the Honorary Professor and Adjunct Professor.
Nowadays, Civil Engineering College of Shenyang Jianzhu University is carrying down the glorious tradition and striving collectively as well as blazing new trails in a pioneering spirit with the school motto “Be Erudite and Well Constructed; Be Virtuous and Well Achieved” forging ahead towards the goal of “Compete for excellence and make first class”.
近五年来,学院在科研、教研立项、获奖、发表论文等各个方面都取得了显著的成绩。承担了包括国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、省自然科学基金项目、建设部科技攻关项目、省住房与城乡建设厅、省教育厅重点项目以及沈阳市科技局基金项目300余项,完成各类横向课题200余项,科技经费合计7300余万元。承担国家、部、省、市级科研、教研课题等230余项。获得国家、省(部)、市科技进步奖75项;其中,国家科技进步奖二等奖2项,省科技进步奖一等奖3项;国家级教学成果二等奖1项,省级教学成果一等奖3项,省级教学成果二等奖6项,三等奖5项。发表科技、教学论文960篇,被SCI、EI等检索机构收录232篇。发表出版专著(编著、译著)主编教材36部。主编参编国家、辽宁省建设行业标准41部,2009年土木工程学院被评为全国工程建设标准化协会( CECS )先进集体。
沈阳建筑大学二本有土木工程专业,基本上二本理科类院校都会有这个专业的。沈阳建筑大学(Shenyang Jianzhu University)是以建筑、土木、机械等学科为特色,以工为主,工、管、理、文、...
东北 建筑就哈工大和大连理工 还有沈阳建筑 好 其他不行 东大没有师资力量 学生分数够 但老师不好 还有能考上沈阳建筑大学建筑学的 都能考上东大 不比他们差 大家选择不同算...
重庆工程学院土木工程学院 开设有土木工程、工程造价、环境设计三个本科专业,室内艺术设计、环境艺术设计两个专科专业。
(School of Civil Engineering)
表1 学院内所有本科及硕士的专业层次、设置时间
本科 |
专业 |
层次 |
设置时间 |
土木工程 |
一本 |
1980 |
交通工程 |
一本 |
2000 |
无机非金属材料工程 |
一本 |
2001 |
工程力学 |
一本 |
2002 |
道路桥梁与渡河工程 |
一本 |
2009 |
城市地下空间工程 |
一本 |
2012 |
硕士 |
土木 工程 |
结构工程 |
一级 学科 |
二级学科: 学术学位 |
2017 |
1998 |
岩土工程 |
二级学科: 学术学位 |
2006 |
建筑与土木工程 |
二级学科:专业学位 |
2005 |
徐州工程学院土木工程学院作为学校建院最早的院系之一,三十载筚路蓝缕,薪火相传;一代代土木人砥砺奋进,春华秋实。土木工程学院深入践行学校“大应用观、大工程观、大生活观、大文化观”的办学理念,秉承“土实木华 力行践远”的院训,擎划经营,孜孜进取,为区域土建类应用型创新人才的培养和经济建设做出了贡献。
学院坚持以提高教学质量为核心,多措并举推动教育教学工作全面开展。创立“以注册执业资格需求为导向、以工程素质培养为基础、以创新能力提高为本位”的“三位一体”人才培养理念,确立“厚基础、强实践、能创新、高素质”土建类应用型创新人才培养目标定位,构建“一主线、二能力、三层次、四平台、五模块”创新人才培养模式,探索建立了新建本科院校土建类专业“高校 ”协同育人新路径。完成国家社科基金教育学专项2项,获江苏省高等教育优秀教学成果奖3项。
学院始终将自身发展融入区域经济发展的进程,以服务社会为己任,面向行业需求,着力打造“高校 ”协同模式。与江苏省住建厅、徐州市建设局等行业主管部门在人才培养、专业建设、科学研究、社会服务等领域进行全方位合作共建,建设特色鲜明的建筑安全工程专业,为淮海经济区800余家企业培训工程技术人员近12万人次,为区域建筑业发展做出了卓越贡献。学院与省市地震主管部门合作,打造工程抗震研究与震情服务品牌。依托全省高校中唯一的“省地震灾害工程防御技术研究中心”、“省防震减灾科普示范学校”和“江苏省科普教育基地”,开展断层研究、地震预警与科普宣传,为区域震害防御提供智力支撑,成果推广应用列入徐州市政府“十三五”防震减灾规划,获批了江苏城镇抗震防灾能力提升项目,学院被评为江苏省防震减灾志愿者站,连续3次被评为“江苏省十佳应急志愿服务组织”。学院与国家网架及钢结构产品质量监督检验中心、徐州市质监局创新合作模式,共建大型结构件检测与分析联合实验室,该实验室通过省质检总局的计量认证,可开展多项对外检测项目。联合开展科技攻关,共同承担省部级科研项目8项,连续2次荣获国家质检总局“科技兴检”奖。
学院与中国建工出版社共建了全国第一家高校实体书店和精品图书展示暨学术交流中心,校园书店荣获全国“年度大学书店”、“2019江苏最美书店”荣誉称号,先后被《人民日报》(海外版)、央视《新闻1 1》栏目专题报道;促成建工社累计捐赠价值200多万图书资料,联合出版教材专著16本;先后当选江苏省建筑行业协会常务理事单位、徐州市腐蚀防护与表面工程学会理事长单位。全国唯一由行业协会出资百万设立的博爱建筑安全奖学金已颁发八届。学院与数十家企业深化战略合作,多家企业在我院设立奖助学金,逐渐形成了大面积、多层次、重精品、结硕果的协同育人新模式。