1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 Elevation of Track Shoulder
3.2 Shape and Width of Earthworks Surface
3.3 Earthworks Stability and Settlement Control Criteria
3.4 Deformation Monitoring and Assessment
3, 5 Design Service Life
4 Design Loads
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Main Forces
4.3 Additional Forces
4.4 Special Loads
5 Construction Materials
5.1 General Requirements
5.2Fill Materials
5.3 Stone
5.4 Concrete
5.5 Cement Mortar
5.6 Steel
5.7 Geosynthetics
6 Subgrade
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Structure of Subgrade
6.3 Subgrade of Embankment
6.4 Subgrade of Cutting
6.5 Compaction Criteria of Subgrade
6.6 Subgrade Treatment Measures
7 Embankment
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Requirements on Fill Material and Filling
7.3 Compaction Criteria
7.4 Slope Shape and Slope Rate
8 Cutting
8.1 General Requirements
8.2 Soil Cutting
8.3 Rock Cutting
9 Transition Section
9.1 GeneraI Requirements
9.2 Transition Section between Earthworks and Abutment
9.3 Transition Section between Earthworks and Transverse Structures
9.4 Transition Section between Embankment and Cutting
9.5 Transition Section between Cutting and Tunnel
10 Ground Treatment
10.1 General Requirements
10.2 Primary Technical Requirements
10.3 Common Measures
11 Retaining Structures
11.1 General Requirements
11.2 Primary Design Principles
11.3 Types and Application Range of Common Retaining Structures
12 Protection of Earthworks
12.1 General Requirements
12.2 Vegetation Protection
12.3 Framework Revetment
12.4 Solid Revetment (Wall)
12.5 Window Revetment (Wall)
12.6 Anchored Frame Beam
12.7 Shotcrete (Mortar Spraying)
12.8 Gabion Protection
12.9 Protective Mesh
12.10 Geosynthetics
12.11 Protection of Earthworks in Windy, Sandy and Snowy Regions
12.12 Thermal Insulation of Earthworks
13 Waterproofing and Drainage of Earthworks
13.1 General Requirements
13.2 Surface Water
13.3 Groundwater
14 Earthworks in Upgrading of Existing Line and Construction of Second Line
14.1 General Requirements
14.2 Earthworks of Upgrading Existing Railway Line
14.3 Earthworks in Construction of Second Line
14.4 Upgrading9Reinforcement and Utilization of Existing Works
15 Borrow (Disposal) Area and Cut-fill Balance
15.1 General Requirements
15.2 Borrow Area
15.3 Disposal Area (Pile)
15.4 Reclamation and Protection of Borrow (Disposal) Area
15.5 Cut-fill Balance
16 Interface Design of Earthworks
16.1 General Requirements
16.2 Safety Protection Facilities
16.3 Cable Trough
16.4 Others
Appendix A Classification of Common Groups of Fill Materials
Appendix B Design and Test Requirements for Improved Soil
B.1 General Requirements
B.2 Survey and Test on Fill Materials
B.3 Technical Indices of Design for Improved Soil
B.4 Design of Improved Soil
Appendix C Type of Steel and Grade and Strength of Concrete
Appendix D Applicable Conditions of Common Ground Treatment Methods and Measures
Appendix E Greening Protection of Earthworks Slope
Appendix F Design Chart for Waterproof and Drainage of Earthworks
Words Used for Different Degrees of Strictness2100433B
This Code is prepared on the basis of Code for Design on Subgrade o f RaiLway (TB 10001-2005) as per the requirements of National Railway Administration to establish a standard systemfor railway engineering and construction by summing up experience and research results in recent years on earthworks construction and operation of high-speed railway, intercity railway, mixed passenger and freight railway and heavy-haul railway.lt is a comprehensively revised edition to meet the needs for earthworks construction and development,to unify the design standard and improve the design level of railway earthworks,and to ensure the safety and quality of railway earthworks after learning from relevant standards of China and other countries and soliciting opinions on a wide basis.
rrhis Code prioritizes safe operation and emphasizes the technical requirements regarding construction quality, resource saving, environmental protection and disaster prevention and mitigation in view of China- s present conditions9 and economic and social development.lt also specifies the main design criteria of railway earthworks based on different types of traffic and different grades of speed,making this Code more scientific and rational regarding technology and cost efficiency.
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铁路路基设计规范 现阶段我国铁路路基设计规范是怎样的?以下是整理的关于 铁路路基设计规范的具体资料以供参考。 一般规定 路基工程应加强地质调绘和勘探、试验工作,查明基底、路堑边 坡、支挡结构基础等的岩土结构及其物理力学性质, 查明不良地质情 况,查明填料性质和分布等, 在取得可靠地质资料的基础上开展设计。 路基建筑主体工程应按土工结构物进行设计, 设计使用年限应为 100年。 基床表层的强度应能承受列车荷载的长期作用, 刚度应满足列车 运行时产生的弹性变形控制在一定范围内的要求, 厚度应使扩散到其 底层面上的动应力不超出基床底层土的承载能力。 基床表层填料应具 有较高的强度及良好的水稳性和压实性能, 能够防止道砟压入基床及 基床土进入道床, 防止地表水侵入导致基床软化及产生翻浆冒泥、 冻 胀等基床病害。 路基填料的材质、级配、水稳性等应满足高速铁路的要求,填筑 压实应符合相关标准。 路堤填
《铁路路基设计规范(TB10001-2016 英汉对照)》贯彻落实了安全优先的原则,强化了质量安全、节约资源、保护环境以及防灾减灾等技术要求,结合我国国情、经济社会发展水平,合理确定了不同运输性质类型、不同速度等级铁路路基的主要设计标准,进一步提升了规范的科学性和技术经济合理性。
《铁路路基设计规范(TB10001-2016 英汉对照)》共分16章,内容包括:总则、术语和符号、基本规定、设计荷载、工程材料、基床、路堤、路堑、过渡段、地基处理、支挡结构、路基防护、路基防排水、改建既有线与增建第二线铁路路基、取(弃)土场及土石方调配、路基接口设计等,另有6个附录。
《铁路路基设计规范(TB10001-2005 J447-2005)》是根据铁道部《关于印发(2003年铁路工程建设规范、定额、标准设计编制计划)的通知》(铁建设函41号)的要求,在《铁路路基设计规范》(TB10001—99)的基础上修订而成的。
1 总则
2 术语和符号
2.1 术语
2.2 符号
3 基本规定
3.1 路肩高程
3.2 路基面形状和宽度
3.3 路基稳定及沉降控制标准
3.4 变形观测与评估
3.5 设计使用年限
4 设计荷载
4.1 一般规定
4.2 主力
4.3 附加力
4.4 特殊力
5 工程材料
5.1 一般规定
5.2 填料
5.3 石料
5.4 混凝土
5.5 水泥砂浆
5.6 钢材
5.7 土工合成材料
6 基床
6.1 一般规定
6.2 基床结构
6.3 路堤基床
6.4 路堑基床
6.5 基床压实标准
6.6 基床处理措施
7 路堤
7.1 一般规定
7.2 填料及填筑要求
7.3 压实标准
7.4 边坡形式和坡率
8 路堑
8.1 一般规定
8.2 土质路堑
8.3 岩石路堑
9 过渡段
9.1 一般规定
9.2 路基与桥台过渡段
9.3 路基与横向结构物过渡段
9.4 路堤与路堑过渡段
9.5 路堑与隧道过渡段
10 地基处理
10.1 一般规定
10.2 主要技术要求
10.3 常用措施
11 支挡结构
11.1 一般规定
11.2 主要设计原则
11.3 常用支挡结构类型及适用范围
12 路基防护
12.1 一般规定
12.2 植物防护
12.3 骨架护坡
12.4 实体护坡(墙)
12.5 孑L窗式护坡(墙)
12.6 锚杆框架梁护坡
12.7 喷射混凝土(砂浆)护坡
12.8 石笼防护
12.9 防护网
12.10 土工合成材料防护
12.11 风沙及雪害地区路基平面防护
12.12 路基保温防护
13 路基防排水
13.1 一般规定
13.2 地面水
13.3 地下水
14 改建既有线与增建第二线铁路路基
14.1 一般规定
14.2 改建既有线路基
14.3 增建第二线路基
14.4 既有结构物的改造、加固和利用
15 取(弃)土场及土石方调配
15.1 一般规定
15.2 取土场
15.3 弃土场(堆)
15.4 取(弃)土场复垦与防护
15.5 土石方调配
16 路基接口设计
16.1 一般规定
16.2 安全防护设施
16.3 电缆槽
16.4 其他
附录A 普通填料组别分类
附录B 改良土设计及试验要求
B.1 一般规定
B.2 填料勘察、试验
B.3 改良土设计技术指标
B.4 改良土设计方案
附录C 钢材型号、混凝土等级及强度
附录D 常用地基处理方法及措施适用条件表
附录E 路基边坡绿色防护
附录F 路基防排水设计用图表