Dust Solutions, Inc(美)是基于干雾抑尘技术的抑尘设备,通过高性能喷嘴来产生1-100μm超细干雾颗粒,能充分增加与粉尘颗粒的接触面积,定向抑尘,消除粉尘及呼吸性粉尘的效果明显。BME干雾专家能够连续或间断地自动喷洒云状离子干雾,干雾有效喷射距离远,抗风能力强,形成一道捕捉、团聚粉尘的高效能云雾防尘墙。除此之外,干雾专家所形成的雾滴微细,耗水耗电量小,成本低,不影响后续工艺和成品的外观、质量,也延长了生产设备的使用寿命。
Dry Fog Systems
How does it work?
DSI technology uses a special air-atomizing nozzle that produces a very dry fog to agglomerate and remove airborne dust particles from various material handling and processing operations. The DSI system utilizes compressed air and plain water to produce these 1-10 micron droplets (true fog). These ultra-fine water droplets attach (agglomerate) to like size airborne dust particles, sometimes referred to as PM-10 (particulate matter 10 microns or smaller). Subsequently, the slightly wetted dust particles become heavy enough to be removed from the air and fall back into the process. It is important to note that we only wet the dust, not the material. This results in very low water and power consumption, requiring no expensive chemicals or significant wetting of the product (always less than 1/2 % by weight, typically no more than 0.1% moisture addition).
Where does it work?
DSI fog systems have proven to significantly reduce fugitive dust from a variety of material handling points, including conveyor transfer points, trippers, reclaimers, crushers, screens, truck dumps, railcar loading/unloading, ship loaders-unloaders, and ash silo discharge chutes. DSI systems can meet all requirements for explosion hazard areas. Freeze protection can be provided for systems operating in temperatures as low as -35 degrees F. Due to a phenomenon known as "cloud physics", fog droplets will not freeze due to their lack of mass!
What are the advantages?
There are many advantages to the DSI system, including ease of installation, simplified maintenance, and flexible system configuration. The overall capital investment and operating costs can be more affordable than the cost of ventilation and chemical type systems. Additionally, system performance is often superior.These advantages are the direct result of using easy to install, pre-assembled modular components housed in protective enclosures. We supply complete systems comprised of electrical controls, filtration, regulation, supply lines and nozzle mounts. If required, DSI can supply all necessaryancillary items including air compressors, air receiver stations, pumps, and self-cleaning secondary filtration systems.
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