瑞达恒建筑(RCC Group)是建筑行业知名的咨询公司,其投资方为在媒体出版业有丰富经验的香港和新加坡投资者。瑞达恒建筑在北京、上海、广州、天津、重庆、武汉、杭州、南京、西安和成都等十个重点城市设有公司,旗下网站包括慧讯网、瑞达恒工程信息网、建筑畅言网和RCC关系网,其业务涵盖建材价格信息、工程信息、市场调研、市场推广及会议服务等资讯和媒体服务,包括西门子、霍尼韦尔、海尔集团、汉斯格雅、科勒、阿克苏诺贝尔、博世、ABB、飞利浦照明、迅达电梯、阿姆斯壮、博思格、欧文斯科宁和格兰富等众多大型跨国企业一直都与瑞达恒保持着密切的合作关系。瑞达恒建筑还与清华大学合作出版了《生态城市与绿色建筑》杂志,该杂志的专业性和学术性得到了业界的广泛好评。
About RCC Group
Funded by experienced investors from Hong Kong and Singapore media and publishing industry, RCC Group is the leading construction consulting group in China with branch offices in ten major cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Chongqing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Hohhot and Xi'an. RCC is committed to provide building product cost information, project leads information, market research, technology forum and architecture magazine to professionals in the construction industry. Many renowned multinational companies, including Siemens, Honeywell, Haier Group, Hansgrohe, Kohler, Akzo Nobel, Bosch, ABB, Philips Lighting, Schindler, Armstrong, Bluescope, Owens Corning and Grundfos, have chosen RCC as their consulting service provider.2100433B