导读:取道于中,心自成鸿 Zone the Vision,Zoom in Life. 倾听梦想, Listen to the Dreams. 探索使命, Explore Vision. 和你像伙伴一样, With You as Partners. 用创造性的解决方案, Create Solutions. 成就建筑和环境恒久价值。 Everlasting Value of Built Environmen
取道于中,心自成鸿 Zone the Vision,Zoom in Life.
倾听梦想, Listen to the Dreams.
探索使命, Explore Vision.
和你像伙伴一样, With You as Partners.
用创造性的解决方案, Create Solutions.
成就建筑和环境恒久价值。 Everlasting Value of Built Environment.