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建筑与都市029(A U中文版)内容简介

2022/07/1690 作者:佚名
导读:In this issue we feature the works of Kerry Hill who is firmly rooted in modernism and questions its relevance in this day and age and also in the context of the land and its culture. The selected pro

In this issue we feature the works of Kerry Hill who is firmly rooted in modernism and questions its relevance in this day and age and also in the context of the land and its culture. The selected projects consist of various typologies and locales ranging from houses to institutions with a focus on those in the Asia Pacific region amongst his many other works around the world. The major works featured here are Amankora in Bhutan ITC Sonar Bangla and Aman New Delhi in India all newly photographed for this issue.

Along with these projects we include three articles. The first is Geoffrey London’s essay An Evolving Practice which tracks the trajectory of Kerry Hill’s career and the refinement of his designs. In Erwin J. S. Viray’s interview and the conversation between Kerry Hill and three young Singaporean architects we explore Kerry Hill’s interest in spatial composition site and context and the challenges of architecture and practice in Singapore.

本期为科瑞·希尔的作品专辑。科瑞·希尔的设计思想源于现代主义,他的作品则试图探讨现代主义在当今这个时代及地域与文化文脉中的关联性。科瑞·希尔的作品遍布世界各地,本专辑则聚焦于其亚太地区的作品,这些作品涵盖不同的风格与场所,建筑类型从住宅建筑到公共建筑。其中,本期将重点介绍的是:不丹的阿曼酒店、印度的孟加拉ITC索纳酒店以及新德里阿曼酒店 这些作品的照片都是为本期的出版刚刚拍摄的。



