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2022/07/16171 作者:佚名
导读:This Standard is prepared in accordance with the Notice of 2003year's Additional Planning of Professional Standard Establishmentreferred to Document No. 2003-873 issued by General Office of theNationa

This Standard is prepared in accordance with the Notice of 2003year's Additional Planning of Professional Standard Establishmentreferred to Document No. 2003-873 issued by General Office of theNational Development and Reform Commission.

As a construction material, bitumen concrete has been widelyused in construction of different hydraulic structures both in Chinaand abroad. The bitumen concrete technology has been welldeveloped through its application in past decades. In China, bitumenconcrete has been used in construction of large-scale hydraulicstructures of many projects, such as the Tianhuangpingpumped-storage project, the Maopingxi earth and rock-fill dam ofThree Gorges Project, the Yele Hydropower Station, the Nierji WaterResources Project and others. With its successful application on theseprojects, rapid progress has been made in bitumen concretetechnology. In order to meet the development of construction ofhydropower and water resources projects and coordinate theimprovement of similar standards in China and abroad, this Standardis prepared through widely seeking comments and referring torelevant domestic and foreign standards. As a result, some relevantcontents applicable to hydraulic bitumen concrete from both domesticand foreign standards have been adopted in this Standard.

Furthermore, attention has been paid to specific features of thehydraulic bitumen concrete.2100433B


