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张正禄 教授 武汉大学 (Prof. Zhenglu Zhang, Wuhan University)
晏磊 教授 北京大学 (Prof. Lei Yan, Peking University)
蔡昌盛 教授 中南大学 (Prof. ChangSheng Cai, Central South University)
陈熙源 教授 东南大学 (Prof. Xiyuan Chen, Southeast University)
范东明 教授 西南交通大学 (Prof. DongMing Fan, Southwest JiaoTong University)
方金云 教授 中国科学院计算技术研究所 (Prof. JinYun Fang, Institute Of Computing Technology Chinese Academy Of Sciences)
梁金星 副教授 东南大学 (Dr. Jinxing Liang, Southeast University)
刘晖 教授 武汉大学 (Prof. Liu Hui, WuHan University)
刘基余 教授 武汉大学 (Prof. Jiyu Liu, Wuhan University)
莫宏伟 教授 哈尔滨工程大学 (Prof. Hongwei Mo, Harbin Engineering University)
邵永社 研究员 中国科学院 (Dr. YongShe Shao, Chinese Academy Of Sciences)
吴浩 副教授 武汉理工大学 (Dr. Hao Wu, Wuhan University of Technology)
杨远洪 教授 北京航空航天大学 (Prof. Yuanhong Yang, Beihang University)
于永海 研究员 国家海洋局 (Dr. YongHai Yu, State Oceanic Administration People's Repubilc Of China)
詹庆明 教授 武汉大学 (Prof. QingMing Zhan, wuhan university)
赵琳 教授 哈尔滨工程大学 (Prof. Lin Zhao, Harbin Engineering University)
Pondering of Teaching Reformation of the Course of Cadastral and Real Estate Surveying In Higher Vocational Colleges
葛山运,周宏达,王 云,李 建
Cadastral and Real Estate Surveying; Teaching Reformation; Multimedia Technique; Registered Surveyor
Combining the teaching practice of the “Cadastral and Real Estate Surveying Course” in higher vocational colleges, the problem in the teaching process is analyzed, and some reform suggestion of teaching content, method and practice, which will improve teaching quality, is brought up.2100433B