,introduction to feedback control
2,transfer functions and block diagram algebra
3,first-order systems
4,second-order systems
5,second-order systems time-domain response
6,second=order systems:disturbance rejection and rate feedback
7,higher-order systems
8,system type:steady-state errors
9,routh's method,root locus:magnitude and phase equations
10,rules for plotting the root locus
11,system design using the root locus
12,frequency response and nyquist diagrams
13,nyquist stability criterion
14,nyquist analysis and relative stability
15,bode diagrams
16,bode analysis,stability,and gain and phase margins
17,time response from frequency response
18,frequency-domain specifications and closed-loop frequency response
19,phase lead compensation
20,phase lag and lead-lag compensation
21,multimode controllers
22,state-space system descriptions
23,state-space system response,controllability,and observability
24,state-space controller design
25,state-space observer design
26,wave energy absorbtion device
27,missile attitude controller
28,robotic hand design
29,pumped storage flow control system
30,ship steering control system
31,cruise missile altitude control system
32,machine tool power drive system with flexibility