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2022/07/16135 作者:佚名
导读:前言 Lesson 1 Water Resources of the World Reading Material Basic Characteristics of China's Water Resources Lesson 2 The Hydrologic Cycle Reading Material The Water Cycle Lesson 3 Water Resources for S


Lesson 1 Water Resources of the World

Reading Material Basic Characteristics of China's Water Resources

Lesson 2 The Hydrologic Cycle

Reading Material The Water Cycle

Lesson 3 Water Resources for Sustainable Development

Reading Material Planning for Water Resources Development

Lesson 4 Nature of Water Pollution

Reading Material The History of Water Pollution

Lesson 5 Underground Water

Reading Material Groundwater Occurrences and the Hydrological Cycle

Lesson 6 Legislation and Implementation of Current Basin- wide Problems in China

Reading Material Water Doctrines in the United States

Lesson 7 Water Requirements

Reading Material Water: a Crisis of Governance

Lesson 8 Evaporation

Reading Material Evapotranspiration

Lesson 9 Irrigation

Reading Material Irrigation Methods

Lesson 10 Operation of Irrigation System

Reading Material Methods of Application of Drip Irrigation

Lesson 11 RDl--the New Technique of Water Saving Irrigation Management in China

Reading Material Crop Water Use of Onion (Allium cepa L. ) in Turkey

Lesson 12 Irrigation Canals

Reading Material Canals

Lesson 13 21st Century's Water Saving Agriculture of Beijing

Reading Material Expansion of Irrigated Agriculture within Alabama

Lesson 14 Land Drainage

Reading Material Interrelation of Irrigation and Drainage

Lesson 15 Type of Revetment

Reading Material Failure Mechanism of Revetment

Lesson 16 The Properties of Concrete

Reading Material Concrete

Lesson 17 Basic Concepts of Reinforced Concrete

Reading Material Reinforced Concrete

Lesson 18 Hydroelectricity

Reading Material China's Hydropower Potenial

Lesson 19 Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity

Reading Material The Three Gorges Dam Project

Lesson 20 Reservoir

Reading Material The Grand Three Gorges Project

Lesson 21 Dams

Reading Material Dam

Lesson 22 Spillways

Reading Material Overflow Spillways

Lesson 23 Hydraulic Turbines

Reading Material Waterwheel

Lesson 24 Pumps and Pumping

Reading Material Pump

Lesson 25 Construction and Equipment

Reading Material Concrete Construction

Lesson 26 Engineering Economy in Water- Resources Planning ( I)

Reading Material Engineering Economy in Water- Resources Planning ( II )

Lesson 27 Bidding, Bid Opening and Award of Contract

Reading Material Construction Contracts

Lesson 28 Critical Water Problem in World

Reading Material Proposal for Water Programme New IAP Study on Water Sustainability


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