在金属基体表面进行火焰喷涂陶瓷是一种新型材料表面改性技术,但所喷涂的陶瓷涂层中容易产生涂层的“剥落”和“龟裂”以及孔隙率偏高等缺陷 [4,5]。本试验以氧-乙炔焰为热源,对45钢进行Al2O3陶瓷火焰喷涂,通过制定和改善其喷涂工艺,以解决上述火焰喷涂陶瓷涂层所产生的缺陷的问题。采用火焰喷涂技术对基体金属表面喷涂Al2O3陶瓷。通常该陶瓷涂层易出现“剥落”、“龟裂”、孔隙率偏高等缺陷,这些缺陷的产生严重影响涂层的性能。本文通过制定和改善其喷涂工艺,有效地解决了其产生上述缺陷的问题。
Flame spraying technique was employed to spay Al2O3 ceramic coating on metallic surface. Normally, the defects, such as "peeling off", "cracking", or high porosity, appear easily in the sprayed Al2O3 ceramic coating, and willseriouslyinfluence the properties of the coating. As the process of flame spraying is improved, it will solve effectively the problems of producing the defects on Al2O3 ceramic coating .