linger; hover
他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。His last words still linger in our ears.
长期以来这个问题一直在我的脑海里萦绕。The issue has been lingering at the back of my mind for a long time.
歌唱家的声音仍萦绕在我耳边。The voice of the singer still rings in my ears.
他向我说的最后的话萦绕在我的心头。I was haunted by his last words to me.
那时候,这几个字一直萦绕在我的耳畔。At that time, these words have been lingering in my ears.
他的大提琴声萦绕在我对童年的记忆中。The sound of his cello is woven into my childhood memories.
这些问题不断萦绕在他的心头,他经常与他的美国朋友讨论这些问题。This was constantly on his mind and he would often discuss this with his American friends.