positi on-related consum ption of civil se rvants ha s been sw ept by fina nce , consumer, regar dless of cost, extravagance and waste i n the civil servi ce position-related consumpti on, a buse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. T hen, under the conditi ons of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumpti on management, expl ores a sour ce to preve nt and cu
CAD 平面图常用命令 A, (画弧 ) AA, (计算面积 ) AL, (对齐 ) AP, (加载菜单 ) AR, (阵列 ) -AR, (命令式阵列 ) B, (定义块 ) BH, (填充 ) BO, (选择区域 ) BR, (打断 ) C, (画圆 ) CH, (属性编辑 ) CO, (复制 ) D, (标注属性编缉 ) DAL, (对齐标注 ) DAN, (圆弧标注 ) DBA, (线性标注 ) DI, (测量长度 ) DIV , (等分对象 ) DS, (极轴追踪设置 ) DT, (文字编辑 ) E, (删除 ) ED, (文字修改 ) EL, (画椭圆 ) EX, (延伸 ) EXT, (拉伸 ) F, (倒角 ) G, (组合 ) H, (边界图案填充 ) IO, (插入文档 ) L, (画线 ) LS/LI, (
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