安稳王黑金刚电源是广州海鸥计算机科技有限公司推出的一款面向主流用户的电源产品,特别适合措配i915系列主板。它符合Intel ATX 12V 13标准,提供了24针电源接口和SATA供电接口,额定输出功率为250W,拥有过流,过压,短路,过负载以及过温度保护系统,并采用了接地线设计,可以有效防止雷击。该电源通过了国家3C强制认证,并提供了1年免费质保+2年有偿维修的售后服务,目前售价为298元。
Product specifications in this catalog are subject to change without notice.Request our product specifications before purchase and/or use. Please use our products based on the information contained in this catalog and product specifications. 160 to 500V dc , long life, 105 ℃ KXJ Series ? Downsized and Longer life from current KXG series ? Endurance with ripple current : 8,000 to 12,000 hours at 1
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