The onion dome is not only foundin Russian Architecture: it was also usedextensively in Mughal architecture, which later went on toinfluence Indo-Gothic architecture. Outside India,it is also used in Iran and other places in the Middle East and CentralAsia.
Baroque domes in the shape of an onion (orother vegetables or flower-buds) were common in the HolyRoman Empire as well. The first one was built in 1576 by the architect Hans Holl (1512-1594) on the church of Saint Mary Star Abbey in Augsburg. Usually made of copper sheet, oniondomes appear on Catholic churches all over southern Germany, Czech lands,Austria andNortheast Italy. Onion domes werealso a favourite of 20th-century Austrian architectural designer Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
巴洛克式的洋葱形状的圆顶(或其他蔬菜或花芽)在神圣罗马帝国是常见的。第一个巴洛克式洋葱顶始建于1576年,由建筑师汉斯·霍尔(1512年至1594年)在奥格斯堡圣玛丽修道院教堂修建。通常由铜片制成,洋葱圆顶出现在位于德国南部,捷克的土地,奥地利和意大利东北部等地的天主教教堂。洋葱式圆顶同样为20世纪的 奥地利装饰艺术家百水先生所钟爱。