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2022/07/13108 作者:佚名
导读:前言 1 范围 2 铝及铝合金 2.1 铝 aluminium 2.2 合金 alloy 2.3 合金元素 alloying element 2.4 杂质 impurity 2.5 铝合金 aluminium alloy 2.6 中间合金 master alloy 3 变形铝合金 3.1 变形合金 wrought alloy 3.2 变形铝合金 wrought aluminium alloy 3.


1 范围

2 铝及铝合金

2.1 铝 aluminium

2.2 合金 alloy

2.3 合金元素 alloying element

2.4 杂质 impurity

2.5 铝合金 aluminium alloy

2.6 中间合金 master alloy

3 变形铝合金

3.1 变形合金 wrought alloy

3.2 变形铝合金 wrought aluminium alloy

3.3 变形铝-铜系合金 wrought aluminium copper alloy series

3.4 变形铝-锰系合金 wrought aluminium manganese alloy series

3.5 变形铝-硅系合金 wrought aluminium silicon alloy series

3.6 变形铝-镁合金 wrought aluminium magnesium alloy series

3.7 变形铝-镁-硅系合金 wrought aluminium magnesium-silicon alloy series

3.8 变形铝-锌系合金 wrought aluminium zinc alloy series

3.9 其他系变形铝合金 wrought aluminium alloy other series

3.10 热处理可强化合金 heat-treatable alloy

3.11 热处理不可强化合金 non-heat-treatable alloy

3.12 易切削合金 free machining alloy

3.13 自淬火合金 self-quenching alloy


4.1 铸造合金 casting alloy

4.2 铸造铝合金 casting aluminium alloy

4.3 铝-铜系铸造合金 casting aluminium copper alloy series

4.4 铝-硅-铜-镁系铸造合金 casting aluminium silicon-copper-magnesium alloy series

4.5 铝-硅系铸造合金 casting aluminium silicon alloy series

4.6 铝-镁系铸造合金 casting aluminium magnesium alloy series

4.7 铝-锌系铸造合金 casting aluminium zinc alloy series

4.8 铝-钛系铸造合金 casting aluminium titanium alloy series

4.9 其他系铸造铝合金 casting aluminium alloy other series


5.1 未压力加工产品 unwrought product

5.2 原生铝锭 primary aluminium ingot

5.3 精铝锭 refined aluminium ingot

5.4 重熔用锭 ingot for remelting

5.5 再生铝锭 secondary aluminium ingot

5.6 铸造锭 ingot for casting

5.7 轧制锭 ingot for rolling

5.8 挤压锭 ingot for extruding

5.9 锻造锭 ingot for forging

5.10 铸件 casting

5.11 砂模铸件 sand casting

5.12 永久模铸件 permanent mould casting

5.13 压铸件 die-casting

5.14 铸棒、铸线 casting rod/bar,casting wire

5.15 铸带 casting strip

6 压力加工产品

6.1 压力加工产品 wrought product

6.2 铸轧带 casting-rolled strip

6.3 连铸连轧带 concatenation casting-rolled strip

6.4 连铸连轧线 concatenation casting-rolled wire

6.5 棒材 rod/bar

6.6 线材

线材 wire

拉线坯 drawing stock

6.7 管材

管材 tube

无缝管材 seamless tubes

有缝管材 seam tubes(或porthole tubes)

焊接管材 weld tubes

6.8 型材

型材 profile

空心型材 hollow profile

实心型材 solid profile

精密型材 precision profile

6.9 板材

板材 sheet and plate

薄板 sheet

厚板 plate

母板 parent plate/sheet

热轧板材 hot rolled sheet and plate

初轧板坯 rolled slab

冷轧板材 cold rolled sheet and plate

包覆板材 clad sheet/clad plate

钎焊板材 crazing sheet

波纹板材 corrugated sheet

压型板材 convexo_concave sheet

压花板材 patterned sheet

花纹板材 raised sheet/plate

6.10 带材

带材 strip

热轧带材 hot rolled strip

冷轧带材 cold rolled strip

钎焊带材 brazing strip

母带 parent strip

重轧带坯 reroll stock

铝箔毛料 foil-stock

6.11 箔材

箔材 foil

无零箔 nothing zero foil

单零箔 one-zero foil

双零箔 two-zero foil

6.12 锻件 forging

锻坯 forging stock

模锻件 die forging product

自由锻件 hand forging product

6.13 冲压坯 blank

6.14 圆冲压坯 circle

6.15 冲挤坯 slug

7 加工工艺

7.1 铸造 casting

7.2 砂模铸造 sand casting

7.3 硬模铸造 permanent mould casting

7.4 压铸 pressure die casting

7.5 高压压铸 high pressure die casting

7.6 低压压铸 low pressure die casting

7.7 熔模铸造 investment casting

7.8 连续铸造 continuous casting

7.9 半连续铸造 semicontinuous casting

7.10 成型 forming

7.11 加工 working

7.12 热加工 hot working

7.13 冷加工 cold working

7.14 加工硬化 strain hardening

7.15 拉拔 drawing

7.16 拉伸矫直 stretching

7.17 可控拉伸矫直 controlled stretching

7.18 消除应力 stress relieving(mechanical)

7.19 永久变形 permanent set

7.20 双层轧制 double rolling

7.21 矫平 flattening;levelling

7.22 板材轧制 milling

7.23 辊压矫平 roller levelling

7.24 辊压矫直 roller straightening

7.25 压光 skin pass

7.26 纵切,分切 slitting

7.27 拉矫 tension levelling

7.28 切边 trimming

7.29 剪切,锯切 shearing,sawing

7.30 冲压剪(封闭式剪切) blanking(closed cut)

7.31 挤压 extrusion

7.32 正向挤压 direct extrusion

7.33 反向挤压 indirect extrusion

7.34 挤压比 extrusion ratio

7.35 挤压效应 extrusion effect

7.36 挤压焊缝 extrusion seam

7.37 线材绕丝 reeling(of wire)

7.38 剥皮 shaving

8 热处理

8.1 状态 temper

8.2 预热 preheating

8.3 均匀化 homogenizing

8.4 退火 annealing

8.5 快速退火 flash annealing

8.6 软化退火 soft annealing

8.7 沉淀退火 precipitation annealing

8.8 再结晶退火 recrystallization annealing

8.9 超时退火 super annealing

8.10 不完全退火 partial annealing

8.11 淬火 quenching

8.12 空气淬火 air quenching

8.13 在线淬火 on hot line quenching

8.14 淬火应力 quenching stress

8.15 淬火转移时间 transfer period quenching

8.16 临界淬火冷却速度 critical quenching cooling rate

8.17 固溶热处理 solution heat treatment

8.18 时效 aging

8.19 预时效 pre-aging treatment

8.20 时效硬化 age hardening

8.21 时效软化 age softening

8.22 自然时效 natural aging

8.23 人工时效 artificial aging

8.24 延缓时效 delayed aging

8.25 峰时效 peak aging

8.26 不完全时效 under-aging

8.27 过时效 over-aging

8.28 双级时效 step aging treatment

8.29 沉淀处理 precipitation treatment

8.30 脱敏处理 desensitization treatment

8.31 稳定化 stabilizing

8.32 热应力释放 stress relieving thermal

附录A(资料性附录) 管、棒、线、拉线坯、空心型材断面及波纹、压型、压花、花纹板材花纹示例









附录B(资料性附录) 本部分章条编号与ISO 3134:1985章条编号对照




