愿 景:为客户创造价值 为员工创造价值广州啄木鸟验房公司
Vision: to create value for customers to create value for employees
使 命:解百姓难题 为政府分忧
Mission: to the people of the problem for the Government Fenyou
价 值:以客户满意度为导向 创造客户感动
Value: customer satisfaction to create a customer-oriented move
理 念:诚信为本 细节致胜
Concept: integrity-based details of winning
市 场:提高核心竞争力,打造珠三角第一验房及装修监理品牌
Market: enhancing the core competitiveness of the PRD create the first post-mortem room and decoration Commissioner brand
管 理:以标准化作业流程维系公正、诚信、专业、独立的服务理念
Management: standardized processes to maintain a fair, honest, professional and independent service concept