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2022/07/16114 作者:佚名
导读:文康致力于向客户提供全方位的法律服务。文康律师在各业务领域内各有专长,并可随时相互支持和紧密协作,保证了专业化的法律服务,同时满足客户跨领域的业务需求。主要业务领域包括: 公司并购、重组、清算与破产 M & A, Restructuring, Liquidation and Bankruptcy * 公司设立业务,包括项目可行性分析、投资方式及股权结构设计 * Incorporation Serv



M & A, Restructuring, Liquidation and Bankruptcy

* 公司设立业务,包括项目可行性分析、投资方式及股权结构设计

* Incorporation Services, including Feasibility Study, Selection of Investment Vehicles and Equity Structure Design

* 公司经营中的管理规范,公司管理制度的设计或完善

* Corporate Governance, Composition or Improvement of Governance System

* 公司改制、重组业务,包括方案设计与执行

* Corporate System Reform and Restructuring, including Solutions Structuring and Implementation

* 公司解散、清算、破产等业务

* Dissolution, Liquidation and Bankruptcy


Intellectual Property

* 企业知识产权战略部署

* Enterprise Intellectual Property Strategy and Deployment

* 反不正当竞争

* Unfair Competition

* 知识产权尽职调查

* Due Diligence Investigation

* 职务作品、合作作品、计算机软件的侵权纠纷

* Infringement Disputes Concerning Works Made for Hire, Jointly Created Works and Computer Software

* 专利的行政确权、权属、实施许可和转让、侵权纠纷

* Patent Administrative Determination of Ownership; Ownership, License, Assignment and Infringement Disputes

* 商标的注册申请、实施许可和转让、侵权纠纷

* Trademark Registration, License, Assignment and Infringement Disputes

* 驰名商标的认定

* Confirmation of Well-known Trademarks

* 知名商品的知识产权保护

* Protection of Trademarks for Famous Products

* 337案专项服务

* Section 337 Investigation

* 植物新品种纠纷

* Disputes concerning New Varieties of Plants



* 船舶和集装箱买卖、建造、抵押、修理、融资、租赁

* Sale, Purchase, Construction, Mortgage, Repair, Financing and Lease of Vessels and Containers

* 共同海损和单独海损

* General Average and Particular Average

* 海事欺诈的调查

* Investigation of Maritime Fraud

* 船舶碰撞和海难救助

* Collision and Salvage

* 船舶扣押和海事担保

* Ship Arrest and Maritime Guarantee

* 货物扣押和海事强制令

* Seizure of Goods and Maritime Injunction

* 海上油污和其他海洋环境污染损害

* Oil Pollution at Sea and Other Marine Pollution

* 班轮运输及散杂货轮租船运输

* Liner Transport and General Charter

* 船舶保险及海上货物运输保险

* Hull Insurance and Marine Insurance

* 海运费、修船费和救助费等费用追收

* Pursuit of Ocean Freight, Ship Repair Expenses and Salvage Charge

* 海上人身伤亡

* Personal Injury at Sea


Foreign Investment

* 中国投资法律政策环境调查与咨询

* Investigation and Consultation on Legal and Policy Environment of Investment in China

* 外商投资架构的策划与论证

* Investment Vehicles Selection and Advice

* 各类外商投资法律实体的设立及日常运营法律事务咨询

* Advice on Daily Operation of FIEs

* 外商投资企业设立中相关政府审批、登记、备案法律咨询并协助办理法定程序及手续

* Establishment of FIEs

* 外商投资中的外汇、税务、劳动等法律事务策划与咨询

* Consultation on Foreign Exchange, Tax, Labor and other Daily Operation Matters of FIEs

* 外商投资企业的境内再投资

* Re-investment of FIEs

* 外商投资企业的重组、解散及清算

* Restructuring, Dissolution and Liquidation of FIEs


International Trade

* 服务贸易、货物贸易、加工贸易和补偿贸易等国际贸易法律事务

* Matters regarding Service Trade, Trade in Goods, Processing Trade and Compensation Trade

* 与国际贸易相关的运输、保税、保险、支付、结算、融资等法律事务

* Trade related Transportation, Bonding, Insurance, Payment, Settlement and Finance Matters

* 包括外贸代理纠纷在内的贸易争端解决及救济

* Trade Dispute and Remedies, including Trade Agent Disputes

* 海关、商检及税务

* Customs, Commodity Inspection and Quarantine, Tax Matters

* 技术转让、技术许可

* Technology Transfer and License

* 反倾销、反补贴及保障措施调查

* Anti-dumping, Countervailing and Safeguard Measures Investigations



* 企业境内外首次股票发行与上市(A股、B股、H股、红筹等)

* Domestic and overseas IPOs(A shares,B shares, H shares and Red chips)

* 上市公司并购、重大资产重组及股份回购

* M&A,Capital Reform and Shares Re-purchasing

* 上市公司再融资(可转债、增发、配股)

* Post IPOs Financing (Debt for Equity Swap, Issue new stock ,Allotment of shares)

* 全国中小企业股份转让系统(新三板)专项法律服务

* Stock quoted transfer system

* 企业债、公司债的发行

* Issue of Company bond and debentures

* 上市及非上市公司股权激励

* Stockholders rights drive



* 基金的募集与设立

* Fund raising and management

* 项目筛选、调查、风险评价

* Project selection ,investigation and risk assessment

* 投资方案设计、谈判、决策

* Designation of Investment plan, negotiation and decision

* 投资协议履约、项目运营监管

* Performance and Supervision of the investment agreements

* 项目退出机制选择、决策、实施

* Exit Mechanism Selection, decision and performance

* 利润分配、基金清算

* Profits-Distribution , Fund Liquidation


Banking and Trust

* 并购贷款尽职调查、方案设计

* Due Diligence Investigation and Structuring for M&A Finance

* 银团贷款方案设计、操作监控

* Structuring Syndicated Loans and Supervision of Implementation

* 银行授信客户资信调查、合规审查、核保及代办担保手续

* Investigation on Creditworthiness of Bank Customers, Compliance Investigations, Underwriting and Processing Securities Formalities

* 银行国际贸易结算纠纷处理

* Bank International Trade Settlement Dispute Resolution

* 银行信贷资产交易尽职调查与方案设计

* Due Diligence Investigation and Structuring for Bank Credit/Asset Exchange Transactions

* 银信合作项目法律支持

* Services for Bank-Trust Cooperation Projects

* 企业项目投、融资法律支持

* Services for Corporate Investment and Financing Projects



* 就保险公司日常业务、对外投资、重大决策等提供咨询及可行性分析

* Advising and Feasibility Study on Daily Operation, Outbound Investment and Important Decisions of Insurance Companies

* 起草、审核专项保险合同

* Preparing and Review of Insurance Contracts

* 提供保险事故勘验核损阶段非诉项目全程法律服务

* Full-range Services for Accident Investigation and Loss Determination

* 代理保险索赔、保险理赔纠纷诉讼法律服务

* Representation on Compensation Claims and Dispute Resolution


Administration Law

* 参与行政调查、项目论证

* Participation in Administrative Investigation; Advising and Analysis on Projects

* 代理行政听证、行政复议、行政诉讼

* Administrative Hearing, Review and Procedures

* 代为参加行政争议协商、调解

* Participation in Negotiations and Settlement of Administrative Disputes

* 代理申请国家赔偿

* Application for State Compensation


Real Estate and Construction Projects

* 地产项目前期介入及法律支持

* Services for Pre-development Matters

* 项目建设阶段的法律支持

* Services during Construction Phase

* 销售租赁方案设计与纠纷处理

* Sale and Lease Structuring and Dispute Resolution

* 物业管理阶段文件制作及交付协助

* Document Preparation and Implementation of Real Property Management Matters

* 房地产项目并购方案设计、尽职调查

* Structuring and Due Diligence for M&A related to Real Property Projects

* 代理谈判、协助签约

* Participation in Negotiation and Execution of Contracts

* 协助项目交接、完善交接后法律关系

* Assisting with Handover of Projects and Streamlining Post-handover Legal Relationships


Labor and Employment

* 用人单位劳动人事专项法律顾问

* Advising on Daily Employment Matters

* 用人单位劳动法律风险诊断和防范方案设计与执行

* Risk Analysis and Compliance Advice

* 帮助、指导起草和修改劳动人事管理的各项规章制度

* Assisting with and Advising on Draft and Revision of Employee Manuals and Company Rules and Regulations.

* 起草、修改各项劳动人事法律文书,如劳动合同、保密协议、竞业禁止协议、培训协议

* Preparing and Revising Legal Documents, including but not limited to, Employment Contracts, Confidentiality Agreements, Non-Compete Agreements and Training Agreements

* 员工违纪的处理、解除劳动合同程序、商业秘密保护及劳动争议案件

* Advising on Measures against Employee Violation of Discipline Rules, Procedures for Termination of Employment, Protection of Trade Secrets and Labor Disputes


Criminal Defence

* 刑事法律风险防范

* Criminal Legal Risk Prevention

* 代为处理走私、诈骗、知识产权犯罪等各类经济犯罪案件

* Representing on Smuggling, Fraud, Intellectual Property Law Violation and other Economic Crimes

* 代理受害单位和个人采取刑事司法救济措施

* Representation of Corporate and Individual Victims of Crime in Criminal Proceedings.

* 为职务犯罪当事人提供申请取保候审、刑事辩护

* Application for Bail and Provision of Criminal Defense Services Employment -Related Crimes

* 为预防单位犯罪,为单位或经理人提供法律支持

* Advice to Prevent Corporate Crime

* 代理自诉及刑事附带民事案件

* Representation on Voluntary Prosecution and Civil Suit Collateral to Criminal Proceedings

* 代理外籍人士处理刑事法律事务

* Representation of Foreign Individuals in Criminal Defense


