额定输出:2.0mV/V ±0.1% / 3.0mV/V ±0.1%
零点平衡:±1% of rated output
蠕变:±0.03% of rated output
非线性:±0.03% of rated output
滞后:±0.03% of rated output
重复性:±0.03% of rated output
灵敏度温漂:≤0.002% of applied output/oC
零点温漂:≤0.002% of rated output/oC
可用温度范围:-10oC to 70oC
温度补偿范围:-10oC to 40oC
绝缘阻抗:≥5000 M ohm (50V DC)
推荐激励电压:10V DC/AC
最大激励电压:15V DC/AC
导线颜色:Red( E) Black(-E) Green( S) White(-S)
美国传力Transcell SBS-ESH悬臂梁称重传感器量程:Transcell SBS-ESH悬臂梁称重传感器500kg, 750kg, 1000kg, 1500kg, 2000kg, 2500kg, 5000kg